Welcome to Just Another Day, a game about conflict and other stuff. You can [[play the game]] or read the text below.
Source available at https://github.com/LjMario007/just-another-day.
Just Another Day, a text-based story.
Copyright (C) 2018
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.As you walk away, the bus supervisor sees you.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" she says. "Go inside!"
[[Walk to the door.]] You walk up to the enterance.
[[Enter the school.]]You pull the handle and walk into the school.
You need to get a late slip, so you [[walk into the office.]] You're late for school. You're in front of the school, ready to go inside and begin your day.
{(live: 2s)[(stop:)Or not.]}
(live: 3s)[
You can...
(live: 4s)[
[[Turn around and walk away.->Leaving-The-School]]
(live: 5s)[
[[Walk to the door.]]
}As you walk into the office and write your name on the late sheet, you overhear some sort of argument between two people behind a closed door. As the secretary looks at the clipboard to find your name, you can [[listen to the argument]] or [[tune the argument out.]]You take your late slip, walk to your locker and put your backpack in it, and [[go to gym]].''Woman 1''
I'm telling you, these newfangled "gagaball" pits are bad for the kids! They're just destroying their knuckles!
''Woman 2''
Ma'am, we are aware of the fact that some kids are getting injured. We're looking intoit.
''Woman 1''
But I'm telling you, you need to take them out!
''Woman 2''
Ma'am, we'll take your concerns into consideration, okay?
''Woman 1''
''I'LL SUE!''
The woman makes a huffing sound and bursts out of the door, storming out of the office and out the front door.
[[Take your late slip.->tune the argument out.]]In gym, it's benchball dodgeball. The teams are remarkably well-balanced. It seems that every time one team is about to win, someone on the other team throws a lucky ball that saves everyone and then it's back to square one again. It continues like this until lunch.
[[Go outside.]]As you walk outside with your lunch, you see around 20 or so kids huddled around tables watching others play and playing Fortnite and PUBG Mobile, respectively. The commotion was so loud, you would think that they were professional players or something. There were people standing on tables, yelling, screaming, getting into fights with players of the opposite franchise, it's phantasmagorical.
[[Lunch ends.]]Science is the last period of the day. It's all going well when somebody randomly yells, ''"WATER IS WET!"'', sparking a passionate and heated discussion over whether or not water is wet. Long story short, he was wrong. The teacher stops the argument and says water is not wet, and work continues while people whisper-yell things like ^^''WATER IS WET!''^^ and ^^''WATER IS NOT WET!''^^. The work period ends, and you [[go home.]]And that's it. Just another day, right? Yet these are all examples of good and bad conflict.
Evenly-matched teams in gym. People yelling their heads off watching others play battle royale games. Debates about whether or not water is wet(it isn't). Those are all examples of conflict that you see daily, and they're not necessarily bad. We shouldn't strive for a world without conflict. Aside from being impossible, you would have to remove many things from life, like sports, games, debates, et cetera. Conflict doesn't always have to be negative; often the skills that you gain in dealing with conflict and the outcome of conflict is better than avoiding it all together.
[[Main Menu->Intro/Title Screen]]